Wealth! The single greatest focal point is the world’s power, influence, and control. It arrests attention, commands respect, and dictates loyalty. You are a person who wants incredible wealth…and all the power and prestige that accompany it. And, you can have it. You can follow the same path that many others have walked to develop your own wealth through information marketing.

From the moment you learn how to achieve wealth, you will have become instantly successful. The power and control you seek will already be yours. Others will recognize that you possess a secret, and they will realize that you have the knowledge of wealth. And, they can make you even more wealthy.

This appetite for wealth is possessed by nearly everyone. Yet, many wish for it in a hopeful but helpless fashion. Others seek it in a blind, undisciplined, headlong lunge toward opportunity. Still, others make their quest an all-consuming passion, a driving, unrelenting desire to overcome any obstacle to achieve the power and the glory that this goal promises.

Whatever your purpose and approach to wealth, you can learn the secrets of prosperity — secrets possessed by some of the world’s wealthiest and most successful people. And you can make your dreams a reality.

Developing The Right Attitude Toward Wealth

A series of steps will take you to these heights of personal achievement and self-realization. Regardless of their degree of personal commitment to this goal, everyone should take the first steps toward more complete fulfillment and accomplishment. And, because you possess a greater degree of responsibility than most of those around you, there is nothing to prevent you from taking all of the steps in rapid succession…to become a focus of financial power.

The experiences that lead to power and wealth are not challenging to discover and unleash within yourself. You will quickly learn that they are all available by taking measured steps toward acquiring the necessary attitudes and techniques that produce greatness. By developing your own information marketing plan, you can work toward your objectives.

Your attitude toward ventures and investments should change right now. You may have grown up in a society where the words “risk” and “loss” are almost synonymous with any kind of business or investment opportunity. This is the philosophy of the masses…not of the financial elite.

Risk is nowhere to be found in the vocabulary of the super-rich. The pretense of loss and financial hardship is faced, certainly. But, those with monetary wisdom rarely — if ever — assume risks of any size, and they don’t have to. Every investment becomes a “win-win” situation with sufficient control over relevant circumstances.

If those with vast wealth take such care, you can afford to do no less. If you do not have effective control of the investments you now own (or direct inside information from those who do), you shouldn’t be investing. If you don’t have a comprehensive knowledge of the area in which you are investing — with a plan and specific goals based upon that knowledge — again, you shouldn’t be investing.

Paul Getty admitted that all his dabbling on wall street was in oil stocks — his single area of unquestioned and perhaps unequaled expertise. He never played some other kind of stock for variety or sport. He invested knowledgeably…with a plan. And, he made more in his stock market sideline by following this simple rule of investing knowledgeably than most people earn in a lifetime.

When Andrew Carnegie decided to enter the steel industry, he accumulated all the information he could find on steel and hired the most knowledgeable men in the world to establish and run what was to become his empire. To Charles Schwab, his key figure, he paid what was then the highest salary and bonus in the world.

Another important parallel can be drawn between these two examples. These men ensured their success through cross-benefits and multi-profits. Their investments did more than produce a profit on their own. They simultaneously contributed to the interwoven success of other investments, providing a reinforcing or “synergistic” effect that hoisted profits in all areas by the bootstraps. The chart below illustrates how the varied facets of your enterprise should intertwine.

The business strategies you will read will be presented with each of these ideas in mind.

Simple, individual products provide a dollar return ($) equivalent to the amount of effort applied…and nothing more.

But, the same projects, when cross-benefitted for multi-profitability, allow a multi-dollar return from the same amount of effort. The activity and output of each individual project reinforce the others, reducing duplication and increasing productivity.

To enjoy the highest earning level, all ventures and investments should be viewed from their multi-profitability angle.

You may have encountered some of these opportunities, and others will be entirely new for you. But, each of them has the essential characteristics we’ve discussed. And each of them is worth your close consideration. Remember:

    Your time and funds are too valuable to be threatened by an investment or venture that involves risk. The super-rich don’t take risks because they don’t have to, nor do you.

    The element of risk is removed from an investment situation through a complete understanding of the investment and control of the factors which influence it.

    The prudent investor further ensures success and profit through cross-investment and multi-profitability. An investment that develops profits and benefits for interrelated businesses and interests assures greater security and overall gain. Even the possibility of loss is eliminated.

Choosing The Right Road To Wealth – Information Marketing

If you were forced to choose any single enterprise to enable you to reach your financial goals most easily, it would be the “Information Marketing Business.” This includes the sale of books, manuals, and reports. No other single business has so many interwoven, multi-faceted benefits. And, no other business can have such an uplifting influence on your climb beyond mere financial independence to financial supremacy. Consider just a few of these benefits:

    Your circle of friends will likely become your first and best retail customer. They will want to emulate your success and need to study and learn what you know to do so. The books have to be bought from someone. Why not your information marketing firm? Several thousand dollars worth of books at a minimum of 50% profit will get you well started down the road to wealth.

    Book buyers are booking collectors, adding to their libraries for a lifetime. They continue to buy month after month. Developing a list of book buyers guarantees a steady income at a high profit level. It gives your new firm a solid financial base.

    When you enter the publishing business and begin offering your own works (which you will want to do soon), this established market will produce a guaranteed level of initial sales, thereby taking the risk out of self-publishing.

    You are already a book buyer. From this moment, however, a significant change has taken place. In addition to being a book buyer, you must also become a bookseller. And, as such, you now can read just about anything in print — free. You buy what you want at below wholesale, read it, study it, then offer it to customers at retail. The books you read actually turn a profit for you.

    This opportunity for free self-education goes much further, however. You can become a world authority in a highly specialized field, a connoisseur of the arts, a consultant offering expertise for business and industry, a sought-after author or lecturer, etc. And the compensation for this type of knowledge in gifts, honorariums, appointments, public offices, stock options, and more can be considerable.

Establishing an information marketing firm requires little effort. Your city clerk can explain any local and state registration requirements. And, the fees, if any, are minimal. The only important requirements are:

    A source of salable books at wholesale prices.

    A source of customers that match the kinds of books you wish to offer.

However, to build a business successfully in a short time with maximum profit, you must limit the scope of your book offers to the most risk-free, high-popularity area and concentrate on building that market nationwide. And this area is how-to and self-help publishing. Books, reports, and manuals — like the one you are reading now — can make you wealthy. Publications that offer the reader a helping hand in helping themselves are always popular — among the best-selling books in the world!

Naturally, nationwide sales potential means mail order, not bookstore distribution. Nearly all self-published millionaire authors agree that no other sales method can compete with mail-order marketing for the greatest profits, the widest exposure, the lowest operating cost, and the largest possible sales potential.

As a double bonus, mail-order book, tape, and educational material distribution receive preferential treatment and a preferential rate from the U.S. Postal Service under the special fourth-class rate. Not even first-class mail is designated as “special.” But, your book shipments will be.

The Profit-Potential Of Information Marketing

This field is the highest profit-maker in the mail order industry, and that’s why it is suggested as a no-contest first choice for making you wealthy. With as few as 20 good titles, all written by other authors, or with 2 or 3 titles of your own authorship, you can expect to earn an amount per year equal to your current annual income…but only working a few hours per week. As your experience and the number of titles you offer increases, you can hope to exceed this amount by a large margin.

Remember, many people fail in the mail-ordermail-order book business even though the odds of failure are far less than with any other mail-order company. The reason for failure is lack of knowledge…specifically a lack of understanding of the vital principles you are learning with this report. These principles are the need to:

    Eliminate Risk!

    Choose a Multi-Profit area!

    Become an expert in the business area you have chosen!

    Conserve your capital for advertising, not inventory!

    Create your own personalized ads and brochures from camera-ready materials!

    Buy books after they’ve already sold…at the best discounts!


The World’s Greatest Information Marketing Method!

There is not sufficient room to discuss all the possible methods of marketing information in detail. You may not need an elaborate method if you’re in the right place at the right time. Youn Mie Chellel of Hollywood just stands on the street corner at La Ciene and Sunset Boulevard and hawks his “Memory Maps,” a self-published directory to the final resting place of the movie world’s greatest stars. He distributes them by hand, one at a time, for $5 per map. If he seems to be doing it the hard way, it’s worth noting that he earned more than $100,000 in his first three months!

 There is, however, what most experts agree to be the best method. Here are the individual techniques of mail-order marketing that can be applied to your sales plan, and we’ve summarized each for you. While you will want to study each step in-depth, this synopsis will give you a general idea of how each operates and how it can benefit you.


The “Classified Inquiry/Direct Mail Follow-Up” Technique

For just a few dollars, you can place classified ads for your books in front of millions of readers. The idea is not to sell directly from the ad, however. Effective classifieds tell only enough to whet the reader’s appetite for more. This appetite can be satisfied by sending for “Free Details.” These interested people, or “inquirers,” are immediately sent your sales literature — catalogs, brochures, etc. This material package will convince your inquirers to part with their money and purchase the book or books you’re offering.

The “Multi-Mailing” Technique

This system is profitable because you are far from finished after the first mailing. A second mailing of sales literature will produce about 60% to 70% of the initial mailing’s response. Therefore, if 10 out of 100 ordered the first time, 5 or 6 out of the remaining 90 inquirers will likely order the second time and 2 or 3 the third time. Since most direct mailings are profitable with a return of 2% or more, several succeeding mailings will add greatly to your total profits.

The “Subsequent Offer” Technique

After successfully completing your first sales campaign, you’re ready to offer a similar book in a second direct mail attack. You can mail to your original list of book buyers for the most significant returns and your list of previous inquirers (but non-buyers up to now) for a secondary response. And, of course, continual classified advertising will allow your total list to grow larger constantly.

The “Mailing List Income” Technique

When the size of your list reaches several thousand names, it can be rented to other mail order marketers for $45 to $100 per thousand names, depending upon the quality and category of your names. Many list owners earn a nice profit on their list every year.

The “Instant Market” Technique

    Finally, as you begin writing and publishing your own books and reports, you will have an instant market for almost anything you write…but profits will be two to three times greater because of the low cost of printing your own titles.

The “Built-In Catalog” Technique

Profits can be increased further by using the last few pages of your book as a catalog. Inserting a one-page ad for another of your titles in the back of your self-published book could significantly increase your earnings.

In summary, books are the ultimate product, and book buyers are the top customers. Capitalizing on these facts allows you to build the “ultimate business.” Choose the information area with the highest volume and profit and the widest range of multi-profitability opportunities. Every effort provides potential income from several sources, allowing your wealth to accumulate quickly.


Self-Publishing For Success

 Once you have established a successful information marketing business, you will be ready to enter the world of self-publishing. Joining the two businesses in this order eliminates risk and creates a reinforcing multi-profit effect. It is identical to the previous venture, and most of the same techniques apply. There are three important differences, however.

    The percentage of profit you will earn from self-published materials can be double or triple what you earn from selling books by other authors. Since you control what your books and reports contain, you can include brief ads for your previous titles in every new book you write, thus increasing your overall exposure and sales.

    An entirely new wholesale market is opened, allowing you to drastically cut your printing costs on account of volume while selling several hundred copies at a time. A $10 book can be printed for as little as $1, sold in large lots for $3, and drop-shipped at wholesale for $5 to the customer who purchases it for $10. Twenty regular customers who purchase lots of books can move thousands of copies of your book per month.

    The world of individual title promotion also opens up when you begin self-publishing. Most books require a minimum 3-to-1 (300%) mark-up to be profitable. That means that a $10 book must cost no more than $3.33 in quantity. This is sometimes possible when promoting someone else’s books. But, it should always be possible on your own. Frequently, a profit-promotion ratio of 5-to-1 (500%) and even 10-to-1 (1000%) or more can be achieved.


An Instant Course In Effective Writing

Entire libraries have been devoted to the art of writing English prose effectively. Another book on the subject is certainly unnecessary. However, there are a few simple guidelines that you can keep in mind as you write. These guidelines will help make your writing more readable and saleable.

Write as you talk – Avoid shifting into some awkward form when you begin touching pen to paper. If your writing reads as you sound — barring any glaring grammatical errors — your style should be both popular and understandable. Don’t worry too much about prepositions at the end of sentences or dangling participles. Just get your point across conversationally. “Be yourself” on paper.

Keep sentences short – Sentence length should average 17 words or less to be easily readable. Ten words or less per average sentence represents an easily- readable length.

Use punctuation freely – Notice the liberal use of ellipses, dashes, and parentheses throughout these pages. An English professor might go into convulsions over this kind of prosaic butchery. Still, I believe that it improves clarity while seeming to reduce sentence length.

Employ optical paragraphs – Write shorter paragraphs. Indent for a new paragraph every six or seven lines, making your writing appear easier to read. And the page looks more inviting to the reader.

Organize your thoughts– Write in a concise, logical pattern. If, before you start, you will prepare a sharp outline of what you want to say, ideas will come out in their proper order. And, in nearly every case, saying as much as possible in as few words as possible is worth far more than page after page of fluff or filler.

Rewrite Often – There is no good writing, only good rewriting. The major function of the revision process is to slice away the “watermelon rind” of unnecessary words, leaving only the sweet, juicy heart on the page.

Anyone who will follow these simple guidelines can write one bestseller after another. To help get the words and thoughts flowing, read something from your favorite author in the field you’re writing about. If you’re worried about spelling and grammar, don’t be. Finding someone to proofreadproofread your final draft and make cosmetic changes is relatively easy. Then too, even the finest books contain an error here and there.


How To Find Bestselling Topics And Titles

Here is a secret I have never shared in any other book. And, in all the reading, I’ve yet to find anyone else who has revealed it. This principle is an almost foolproof for finding popular titles and topics to write about.

First, you must be willing to discover what appeals widely to book buyers. Then, write a book that provides that appeal. So many would-be authors lead frustrated lives because they do things in reverse…writing a book they like, then trying to find a market for it. There is no substitute for resolving to write what your audience wants to read.

Second, you must go to the source that can tell you what book buyers want. You could ask your book-loving friends, the local librarian, or your old high school English teacher. But, any information you receive from these sources would be nothing more than guesses. You must remove all risk by writing only what you know in advance will sell and sell wildly. The only source of this information is a large-volume bookseller who sells books, in the same way you will be marketing yours.

If you cannot get this information by asking for it, then pay for it. You need to know which titles and authors are selling the most books in your topic area. And, you need to own these books. By comparing the elements common to each, you can quickly determine what your book must contain to enjoy the same popularity.

Finally, use this information to write the best print book on your chosen subject. In many cases, this is far easier than it sounds. Most important, choose an earth-shattering title. Take time with it. Make a long list of possible titles, and edit them. Try to keep the title under seven words. If more words are essential, consider the use of a sub-title. Include as many enticing promises as you can in those few words. If your title would also make a smashing headline for the book’s sales literature, you can be sure you’ve chosen a winner.

Once you’ve pounced on a super-subject and written it with conversational clarity, you’re ready to give it a winning appearance. Here is the true role of the publisher — to package the book in an attention-getting, sales-producing wrapper. As you have already guessed, a few tricks will produce a better-selling book. And, sales are the only thing that counts!

All that is left is to merge your own books with the line you currently offer through your information marketing company. Send a copy of your originals to all the book wholesalers who advertise in the success and opportunity magazines, along with a copy of your wholesale price list. If you’ve followed the above instructions and studied the marketplace in advance, you will become a best-selling author!

The Profit Potential Of Publishing

Hundreds of self-published authors have become multi-millionaires offering their books by mail nationwide. In fact, there is actually a world market for your books in English. The United Kingdom, India, Australia, Canada, and Hong Kong are prime markets you can reach through foreign book importers. Writer Mark Haroldsen sold over half a million of his Wealth Formula books at $10 each. Joe Karbo, Owen Bates, Lee Howard, Ron Playle, Jerry Buchannan, Robert Collier, Edmund Shaftesbury, and many others have experienced equal success.

You can join their ranks. But remember, even a marginal success will expand your capital and place you in a position to take advantage of even more of the investment strategies that will allow you to continue to build your own financial empire.

The publishing business is a logical follow-up to an information marketing business that allows you to multiply yourself and your income very profitably. Carefully choose your topic and write your book to create readable, marketable books and reports. Target your literary efforts by identifying best-selling titles and issues. Finally, use the pattern of other successful self-publishers to map your road to success. Their books and ads are brilliant examples of precisely what to do and how to do it…to reach your established goals. The future awaits. Get going!

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