At 123Linux – Digital Academy, we understand the importance of optimizing your browsing experience. If you’re an avid Firefox user, you may have come across the need to run multiple instances of Firefox simultaneously. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to run both Firefox and Firefox Portable at the same time, allowing you to enhance your productivity and efficiency. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined below, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of having two separate instances of Firefox on your Windows computer.

Introducing Firefox Portable Launcher

Before we delve into the details, let’s take a moment to introduce the Firefox Portable Launcher. Developed by John T. Haller of, the Firefox Portable Launcher offers a convenient solution for running Firefox from a removable drive. This launcher ensures that both the browser and your profile remain self-contained on the drive, allowing you to use them on any Windows computer without installation or modification. With the Firefox Portable Launcher, you can seamlessly switch between computers without losing your extensions and configurations.

Step 1: Obtaining Firefox Portable

To get started, you’ll need to obtain a copy of Firefox Portable. Visit the official website at to download the latest version. Firefox Portable is distributed as open-source software under the GNU General Public License, ensuring its accessibility and flexibility.

Step 2: Directory Structure and Configuration

By default, Firefox Portable expects a specific directory structure. The following outline describes the recommended structure for smooth operation:

    +\plugins\ (optional)

You can either organize the files as shown above or place them in a directory named “FirefoxPortable” with the FirefoxPortable.exe launcher in a directory above that. If you prefer a different directory configuration, you can use the FirefoxPortable.ini file to specify custom settings.

Step 3: FirefoxPortable.ini Configuration

The Firefox Portable Launcher looks for an ini file called FirefoxPortable.ini within its directory. While it’s not necessary if you’re satisfied with the default options, customizing the ini file provides additional flexibility. Below is an example of the FirefoxPortable.ini file structure:


The configuration options allow you to fine-tune the behavior of Firefox Portable. Here are a few noteworthy settings:

  • FirefoxDirectory: Specifies the relative path to the directory containing firefox.exe.
  • ProfileDirectory: Specifies the relative path to the directory containing your profile.
  • SettingsDirectory: Specifies the relative path to the directory containing additional settings.
  • PluginsDirectory: Specifies the relative path to the directory containing plugins (optional).
  • FirefoxExecutable: Allows you to set an alternate EXE call to launch Firefox.
  • AdditionalParameters: Enables passing additional command-line parameters to firefox.exe.
  • LocalHomepage: Sets Firefox Portable to use a local file as your homepage in Live mode.
  • WaitForFirefox: Determines whether the launcher remains active until Firefox has closed.
  • AllowMultipleInstances: Enables running Firefox Portable alongside the local installed version.
  • DisableIntelligentStart: Controls whether Firefox Portable processes chrome and component registry fixes on every start.
  • SkipCompregFix: Skips adjusting the component registry for certain extension compatibility on launch.
  • RunLocally: Copies your profile, plugins, and Firefox binaries to the local machine’s temp directory.
  • AlwaysUse32Bit: Forces Firefox Portable to use the 32-bit version, even on a 64-bit machine.

Feel free to modify these settings according to your preferences and requirements.

Step 4: Running Firefox and Firefox Portable

Once you have configured Firefox Portable to your liking, you’re ready to run both Firefox and Firefox Portable simultaneously. Follow these steps:

  1. Launch Firefox Portable by executing the FirefoxPortable.exe file.
  2. To run the local installed version of Firefox, open the browser as you normally would.

By following these steps, you can enjoy the benefits of having two separate instances of Firefox running side by side. This approach allows you to multitask efficiently, segregate different tasks or profiles, and maximize your browsing capabilities.


Running Firefox and Firefox Portable at the same time is a valuable solution for individuals who require enhanced flexibility and productivity. By leveraging the power of the Firefox Portable Launcher, you can maintain your extensions, configurations, and browsing preferences across different computers effortlessly. Follow the step-by-step guide provided in this article to set up and utilize Firefox and Firefox Portable simultaneously, empowering yourself with a seamless browsing experience.

At 123Linux – Digital Academy, we strive to provide comprehensive resources and guides to assist you in optimizing your online activities. By adopting the practices outlined in this article, you can harness the full potential of Firefox and Firefox Portable, revolutionizing the way you browse the web. Stay tuned for more informative content on topics ranging from internet technologies to software optimization.

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